Helping you back to health

Babies and Children

We offer osteopathic treatment to babies and children at all stages of development. Paediatric and cranial osteopathy are gentle forms of treatment and our young patients often find treatment soothing.

We’re trained to make an assessment, screen for medical conditions and advise you if your baby or child might need to see another health professional such as a GP or midwife.

Our paediatric specialists are Ann Farthing and Mandy Banton who both have extensive post-graduate experience, training and qualifications in paediatric osteopathy. You can find out more about what to expect at a Paediatric Osteopathy appointment here, or ring the practice to arrange to speak to Mandy or Ann. They will be happy to chat to you before your child’s appointment to answer any specific questions you may have.


Pregnancy & Post Natal

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Book An Appointment

We take the time to listen to your story. We’ll form an accurate diagnosis and tailor an individual treatment plan for you. You don’t need a referral from your GP. Just click on the button below to book online or call us to arrange an appointment.